
The random number generator brought me back to the Betty Crocker’s Best section of the cookbook where they’ve collected some historic recipes. This recipe is the oldest in the book — Hermits on p. 138, dating back to the 1880s.

These cookies have a very familiar pattern to the dough — cream butter, sugar and eggs. Add in coffee. Mix the dry ingredients and then add them to the butter mixture. Finally add in the nuts and raisins.

Despite being drop cookies, though, the instructions have you chill the dough for an hour. I’m not sure I’ve ever done that for a drop cookie.

The cookies are dropped by spoonfuls on a cookie sheet and baked at 400-degrees for 8-10 minutes. They don’t really spread.

These were nicely spiced and easy drop cookies. I don’t really like coffee, but the coffee flavor enhances the spices, and worked really well here.

Bottom line: These were slightly dense, but not unpleasantly so. They are nicely spiced with a slight bitterness from coffee flavor. And the raisins and nuts are satisfying addions. I would make them again.