Next up were the Company Best cookies, Chocolate Orange Puffs on p. 120. These are supposed to be cream-puff-like cookies with an orange dough and orange and chocolate whipped cream filling.
So … these were a kitchen fail!
The dough is supposed to be like a Pâte à Choux, but highly simplified. And, they did not puff up for me. I was so peeved, I even forgot to grab a picture before I tossed them!
Now I have to decide what I’m going to do with this recipe. Do I try it again later? Give up on it? Make a real choux dough and fill it with the orange and chocolate whipped cream (because that sounded really good)?
For now, the recipe is going to the bottom of my list of things to make. I’ll move on to the next one from the random number generator next time.